The mortises for the hinges should have been cut before I applied the finish to the clock. Since I waited until after I was extra careful cutting them as there would be no finish to cover my mistakes. I don't cut many hinge mortises but I took my time to cut these and am pleased with out they turned out.
I traced around the outside of the hinges with an sharp utility knife, then followed with a 1/2" chisel to clearly define the outside edges of the mortise. A 1/4" chisel was used to cut diagonally across the corners, which were cut round after the rest of the mortise was completed. The 1/2" chisel was used to cut out the mortise to the line that it had just cut.
The hinge was test fit and any extra material was removed to until it was flush.
Next I needed to drill the hole for the magnetic catch and metal disk for the door. Both called for a odd sized drill bit that I didn't have (13/32s maybe?). I used a 1/2" bit as that was my smallest larger sized bit. The magnetic catch is 1/2" in height and was too loose in the hole so I secured it with some plastic cement - if that doesn't hold I'll use some epoxy. The metal disk had a nail on the back so it held in place in the 1/2" hole without any problem.
After mounting the clock mechanism I added the clock face, secured with double-sided tape. Shortly after adding the hands I noted a small problem - the clock face was 180 degrees off. Oops. I peeled it back and slid a ruler under to get the very effective tape unstuck, then mounted it correctly with more double sided tape.
Now it's done - except for the glass. After I get the glass cut, it should be an easy install and then hang it up.
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