Thursday, January 7, 2010

Lauren's Bed - Part 2 - Foot board

With the posts for the foot board complete, it was time to move on to the frame and panel construction for the foot board itself. I dug through the pile of curly maple to find relatively straight pieces, then used my planer sled to flatten the boards.

Next I used the tablesaw and mitre saw to cut all the pieces to size. I used the dado blade to cut a 1/4" groove through all the boards, then used the same dado blade to cut the tenons on the ends of the rails and stiles as needed.

A quick dry fit to make sure everything lines up :

The caps on the top and bottom will get a 1/2" roundover on all four edges to smooth them out, then they'll be secured to the foot board with biscuits.

Next I needed to glue up some boards for the panels. I started with some ugly twisted pieces :

I again used the planer sled and smoothed them out so they were straight :

Then over to the bandsaw to resaw them in half. Actually, I first tried one on the tablesaw but as I started to cut it pinched the blade and stopped the tablesaw. The 3hp tablesaw. Ouch. After resetting the breaker I brought it over to the bandsaw and got it done, though it again reacted pretty badly to being cut apart.

After gluing up the panels, I ran them through the drum sander for about 45 minutes to flatten them out. Quite tedious.

Now a dry fit of the entire assembly :

After sanding the panels with my random orbital sander to 220 grit, I applied Watco Danish Oil. After the finish was dry I glued up the entire panel except for the caps :

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