Short Version
First HIM, finish - 4:47:59.4, 34th OA, 8/38 AG.
I started with Endurance Nation in the November OS, having run marathons for the past 7 years but not doing much biking or running during that time. I've done a few sprint triathlons over the years for fun, but this was my first time training specifically for a triathlon. The Welland HIM on June 26th was my first 'A' race of the year.
Before the race
Welland is a 4 hour drive for me, so me and the family drove up on Friday after work and checked into the host hotel. $120/night for a nice suite with a full kitchen just across the canal from the race site. It's probably about a one mile by road to the start, 300y if you want to swim there 
Saturday morning I took a quick 10 minute swim around the canal where the race is held. That was my first wetsuit swim of the year and went about that well. If anything it made me more apprehensive about the swim and I probably should have skipped it.
Welland Ontario is 30 minutes from Niagara Falls so we spent Saturday at Niagara Falls. Both of our young kids enjoyed the Maid of the Mist boat ride and the Butterfly Conservatory. Drove back to the hotel in the late afternoon, stopping at the race site to pick up my race packet on the way. Take-out pizza for dinner and hung around the rest of the night watching TV.
Race Morning
0210 - 2xPC Chocolate Ultrashake at - 470 calories
0530 - 1xSesame bagel w/cream cheese, 1xPC Chocolate Ultrashake
0630 - Rode my bike over to transition area, with wesuit and everything else in a back-pack. Since I was one of the few fools to show up that early I got the closest spot to the Bike In/Out on my (numbered) rack. Setup my transition area then when for a short-ride and practiced my bike mount/dismount.
0800 - Short race meeting in bike transition area, ate one gel then headed down to the swim start. Swim start was 450m away from transition area, over grass, asphalt & gravel. I brought an extra pair of shoes and stashed them on the path at the swim exit for the run. Many people did not and I passed them on the run to transition.
Got in the water and swam around for about 10 minutes before the start. Moved towards the back third of the pack and minutes later the race started.
Plan - Finish, maybe 40 minutes?
Actual - 37:40 - 125th OA
I'm a poor swimmer. My arms started feeling tired after about 200 yards, but I pushed on and just kept counting strokes. Count to 5, sight, and repeat. I found different sets of feet to follow and tried to keep positive thoughts the whole way. There were a little over 300 people in the swim so it wasn't very crowded. The canal itself is probably 60-70y in width, no waves and straight. The swim is one lap, a long rectangle so pretty much as easy as it gets in a triathlon.
There was no clock (that I saw) at the exit, so I didn't know my time until after the race. My RRs in the pool have been about that time so I am happy with the swim.
After getting out of the water, I pulled off the wetsuit, slipped into my shoes and ran the 450m [2:24] to my bike, carrying the wetsuit. Many people were running barefoot with the wetsuit around their waist - didn't make sense to me.
T1 - drop wetsuit, put on RX sunglasses & helmet, grab bike and go. Shoes are on the pedals. Time - 0:42, 1st OA. I passed a whole bunch of people in transition; I couldn't believe how many people were in there and how slow they seemed to be moving.
Plan - 200 NP, no time goal - expected around 2:40ish based on RR of 2:48 (including stoplights, stop signs, etc)
Actual - 205NP, 1.02 VI, 2:30:27 - 50th OA
I was planning to go with one bottle on the bike, but took two once I saw that most people had at least 3. I had four gels in my jersey from the start. Took it 'easy' for the first 8 minutes and kept the watts under 200. After my swim there were plenty of people to pass, and I started that right away. Once in a while I found a wheel to follow for a bit, keeping legal at 5m. Started drinking (gatorade) and pushed the watts up to 210ish after about 10 minutes. Spent the rest of the ride passing people, probably 30-40 in total. About 5 people passed me, but two of them came back later. Finally found a wheel at 80km that I followed for till the end - 56 year old guy that was 21 years older than me. I was a little under 200w for that last 40 minutes. I was finding it a little hard to keep the watts up, which is why I was glad to stay on his wheel and save it for the run.
Bike Nutrition - Gels @ 0:45,1:20,2:00,2:20, 3xgatorade/heed@150cals
T2 - hop off bike, pull on socks & running shoes, grab hat & go. 0:58 - not first (darn socks). Just like T1 I passed a bunch of people that were standing around.

Plan - start at 7:30s and move down to 6:45s, ending up wherever - around 1:35ish (I didn't actually do the math, that was my guess)
Actual - 1:35:50 / 7:19/mile - 29th OA
After beating my best estimated bike time by 10 minutes I figured all I needed was a 1:40 to break 5hrs, so I revised my mile pace down a bit. Since this was my first HIM I wanted to make sure I didn't end up walking. I figured that 7:30s would get me there so I resolved to keep all my miles under 7:30. First mile was 7:25 which included a much needed pee break, so I was off to a good start. I walked through one aid station and then decided I didn't like walking so didn't do that again. Temperature was perfect for the run and was 90%+ in shade and flat. Slowed up at the end, 10-12 were 7:35/44/38. I missed some long runs in training so my run fitness was not quite all there.
I drank Heed and dumped water on my head at all the aid stations I could but missed a few as the volunteers were not ready. I knew I was ahead of the game on fluids so didn't worry about it. 1 gel (from the course) at 6 miles.
Just like the bike I was able to pass a number of people on the run, between 10-15 would be my guess. I did 'let' one person go by my on the 2nd loop, I didn't get his number and I'm not sure if he was on his 1st or 2nd loop.
I was sure I was under 5 hrs but didn't know how far until I was about 50m from the finish and could see the clock. I was very happy and a little shocked to see the 4:47. Zipped up my jersey and crossed the line, got my medal, finisher's hat and collasped (kidding). Drank a few cups of Heed and dumped some more water on my head, then got interviewed by the series sponsor - milk.

Overall I was surprised how 'easy' the day went. I've done 14 marathons and none of them were easy. Since I planned on taking about 2 hours longer in this event then my marathons, I figured it would be much harder. Never during the day did I feel that I had to walk or quit. I felt positive the whole time.
I am ecstatic with my finish time. Before the race I thought 5:00 was my stretch goal, and probably 5:05 was realistic - 40m swim, 2:40 bike, 1:40 run + transitions. After my swim 'practice' on Saturday I changed it to 5:15. I told the family to meet me based on the 2:40 bike split, but luckily they got there early, just in time to catch me at T2. I knew at the halfway point in the bike (1:15ish) that I was having a great day on the bike and was going to get sub 5:00.
I've done 14 marathons and only been 'okay' with one of them. All the others I had the fitness but blew the execution. Thanks to Endurance Nation I was able to nail the execution of my first HIM. I told my wife after the race that I should retire now as I've had the best race I could.
Next 'A' race - Rev3 Cedar Point HIM.
FTP - 241
VDOT - 55ish, March HM in 1:22:19
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