The legs attach to a round bottom, which then gets the lazy susan mounted to it, which supports the actual seat. I briefly considered dove tailing the top of the legs, but decided to keep it simple and just leave them straight. The round bottom got intersecting dados cut in it to receive the legs, I almost forgot to cut them before cutting the bottom round, but remembered just in time.

I cut both the seat and bottom round using a simple circle cutting jig on the bandsaw, then cleaned up the edges on my spindle sander.
The legs were secured to the round bottom with glue and 2.5 inch wood screws from the top. I routed out the bottom of the seat to hide the lazy susan, then mounted it to the round bottom. The last step was adding a stretcher on each side of the stool to tighten up the legs and provide a foot rest. I put them at different heights to accommodate different sized guests.
I covered it with a wipe-on finish - Watco Danish Oil, natural. Took a couple of days to dry, so it's probably time to toss that old container and get a new one.

And lastly, here's my helper trying it out :
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