Friday, October 26, 2007

Hardwood Install - Long Lost Vent Uncovered

Shortly after finishing the hardwood install in Joshua's room I figured out that I had accidently covered over one of the vents in the floor. I had a guess where it was but wasn't exactly sure. Since I didn't have access to underneath the floor I couldn't find the vent that way so I tried various other ways to find the hole. A studfinder, magnet and 'knocking' were all unsuccessful. So was turning on the A/C and waiting for condensation or feeling a cold spot.

This week Rosemary brought home toy stethoscope from her school. It also got cold enough that we needed to turn on the furnace. With the stethoscope I was able to very faintly detect where I though the vent was.

I then drilled a 3/32 hole into the floor at that point, 3/4" deep. Then a paperclip to ensure that I had drilled through where there was no subfloor. Success. I used a 1/2 spade bit to open up the hole, then the paper clip again to determine how close I was to the edge of the vent (very close). A jig saw finished up the job.

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