Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Playhouse Rocketship - Part 8

It was quite a struggle to get it done, but I managed to get half of the rocket covered. I had picked up two cargo strap clamps to get the wood home on top of my car and I'm glad I did as they came in very handy to clamp the outer skin in place. I used up most of the rest of my clamp collection to lock it in place and I'll let it dry overnight.

After all the hard work was done Lauren and Joshua came out to inspect my work. Joshua also helped clean up the workshop a little which is always appreciated. Though it was going to be a surprise for Joshua, I ended up telling him about it since it was past his birthday anyways. He is climbed inside to check it out and is looking forward to the completed project.

Lastly I measured and cut the other half of the outer skin, then used a roto-zip tool (actually a really cheap imitation) to cut a door and a few windows. After the cutting was done I glued up some plywood ribs to the outer edges to stiffen it up for gluing.

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