Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Long Weekend Work

We took possession of the new house a week ago and this past weekend was our chance to get some work done. I forgot the camera at the house so I don't have any pictures, but here's what we've completed with the help of Rosemary's parents.
  • tear out two (extra) bathroom doors and frame / drywall the opening
  • tear out a closet wall to open up a hallway and frame another opening beside it
  • tear out 260 sq ft of tile and the carpet in the family room
  • tear out carpet in the master and two other bedrooms upstairs
  • removal of many weeds and bushes around the property
  • one load of construction debris to the dump (200kg = $20)
  • 90% installed new plywood flooring in attached garage for workshop (more to follow)
  • 2 upstairs bedrooms mostly painted

Last night and this morning I started pulling up some of the flooring in the downstairs office that needs to be patched. It'll take at least a box (22 sq ft) of unfinished flooring to patch the holes left from tearing out the closet.

We're trying now to find someone to finish up the taping and mud for the drywall as my mud/taping skills leave a lot to be desired.

The future garage/workshop looks really great...

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