Removing the drywall was not difficult, the cleanup was a bit of a pain though. I filled up a couple of garbage cans and boxes with debris. Part of the wall I removed was the original plaster which is of course heavier than drywall.
I spent way too much time attempting to pry and cut out the wall and closet header with a hammer, pry bar and hand saw. I eventually gave in and ran down to Home Depot to pick up a corded Dewalt Sawzall. I actually went to get the Ridgid saw, but they were out so the sales guy gave me the Dewalt for the same price ($20 difference). It came with 5 extra blades and a stainless steel coffee mug that I'll never use.
10 minutes after plugging the saw in, the wall and header were gone and the area is ready to be reframed and drywalled.
I should write this on my hand so I don't forget it. Don't waste time working with the wrong tools, buy (borrow or rent if you have to) the right tool for the job!
(pictures below taken from the arrow in the layout diagram above)
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