Thursday, August 2, 2007

Our New (Old) House

Yesterday we took possession of our new house. Above you can see the front of the new house, that's my holding Joshua and my Mother-in-law beside me. The house was originally built in 1947, and major renovations were done in the late 80s and early 90s, adding approximately 1500 sq ft to the home.
We are very happy with our new old house - our other house was built in 1987 and has no character. This new house is in a much nicer part of town, on a larger lot and quieter street. We've already met the neighbours on both sides and across the street and they all seem very nice. One of the neighbours has two young children that are close in age to Joshua so he's already got some new friends to play with!
The previous owners had moved out a year ago and so the house was occupied by renters. They moved out most of their stuff over the past two days and left two huge piles at the curb. Last night we moved a few boxes of our stuff over and dumped the rest of their stuff at the curb. Luckily this morning was garbage day and it is now all gone.
We have also sold our other home but don't close on that one until August 20th. So we have almost three weeks to get in and get some work done on this house. It will be a very busy three weeks.
Below you can see the back of the house, with a nice large stamped concrete patio. Also in the back of the lot is a detached two car garage...soon to be my new shop. It's so nice I'm jealous of future Mark who get's to work in it :)

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