Thursday, September 6, 2007

Back to Woodworking

The new house has a nice big 2 car garage out back for my woodworking shop. About 24x24, 9ft ceiling. It's uninsulated and had a concrete floor, one window and a loft for storage. The loft has about 7-8ft of space with full standing height, the rest slopes down to 4ft in the back, 1 ft in the front. The loft will store our Christmas decorations, camping equipment, and anything else that is rarely used.

Before moving in I put in a plywood subfloor over 2x4 sleepers. We even put a coat of paint down to make it easier on the eyes.

Though the shop is still a disaster area as everything is spread around on the floor, I wanted to get some more work done on Joshua's new bunk bed so I did a bit of sanding and glued up the other bottom panel this morning.

I've got more hardwood flooring and trim to install in the house, but I can't do that while Joshua is sleeping and it was nice to take a break from home renovation to do some 'real' woodworking again.

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