Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Things to look for after you move in

Since we've moved into the new place I've been changing out all of the incandescent bults to compact fluorescent bulbs (CFLs). The CFLs are cooler (temperature wise) and use much less energy than the incandescent bulbs. Though more expensive initially they'll more than pay for themselves in the long run.

Once the CFLs do burn out (5 years?), our local recycling center will take the CFLs and dispose of them properly, so the environmental issues (mercury) is not a concern for me.

The light fixture in my new office was flickering while I was working, leading me to wonder if it was the electrical, the fixture or the bulbs. Here's what I found when I pulled the glass cover off to change it to CFLs :

Probably the clown renters decided to put two 100 watt bulbs in a fixture that was rated for 40 watts. Idiots. I'm glad the house didn't burn down before I decided to change these out. I immediately when and checked the rest of the fixtures, luckily this was the only one that had the wrong bulbs.
We had an extra fixture from one we replaced earlier so I threw the damaged one in the trash and now my office light is back to normal.

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