Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Railroad Clock Kit - Glass Install (1)

We've had the Railroad Clock in the house for the past few days and have really enjoyed it listening to it chime out the hours. It also chimes on every 15 minutes which is a little much, but we haven't grown tired of it yet. From reading the generic directions I don't think the 15 minute chime can be disabled, but the chime can be completely turned off.

The last thing I needed to finish up for the Railroad Clock was the glass install for the door. We made a trip out to our local Home Hardware to get a piece of glass cut ($8.99) and pick up a few drill bits I needed. The guy who cut it was a little unsure of his glass cutting abilities, but he got the job done. I had them pack it in some cardboard for the trip home.

After getting it home and bringing the clock and the glass out to the workshop for the install, I unpacked the glass only to find a big scratch across the glass. Argh. Back to Home Hardware to exchange the glass, this time I checked the glass before leaving the store.

Back home and into the workshop for the install. The instructions suggest using an 18g staple gun , so I pulled mine out, laid out the rubber glazing bead and blasted the first staple through the glass. Oops.

My $9 glass door has now become a $18. At least. I haven't got the replacement yet. I'm a little afraid to do it.

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