Friday, September 18, 2009

Deck Finished

The Deck is done.

All the rotted wood has been picked up at the curb. The garbage men here are really good at taking anything I put out and I take advantage of that. They took the old deck in 5 or 6 loads and saved me from having to cart it to the dump and pay to get rid of it. Over the past two months I've got all the old deck into smaller pieces and filled up 6 garbage cans and a number of recycling bins and they took every piece away.

The railing is completed on the new deck and we've put our table back up and started eating on it. Though it was a lot of extra work, the under deck mounted screws means the top surface looks great.

We are very happy with how it has turned out - I'm sure we'll get a number of years out of this deck.

A few things that will eventually be addressed :
  • boxing in the bottom of the columns for the roof to cover up the cement bases
  • lattice on the side of the deck under the railing
  • a trip hazard - open spot between the railing and the top deck stop on the sloping part of the railing
In any case the deck is done enough for now. I'll finish up other things before I get back to the deck.

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